One of the things prophesied of the Last Days is that the Jews will be allowed to rebuild their Temple on its original site in Jerusalem. In the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14, Jesus said,
Matthew 24:15 Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in THE HOLY PLACE (let the reader understand)...
Jesus was talking about an event in the middle of the future Great Tribulation. It would occur in the holy place. The holy place is inside the Jewish Temple. A Temple must be rebuilt. Thus news about the rebuilding of the Temple is of interest to students of prophecy.
The Temple Foundation has been soliciting donations to build the Temple since the 1970's. Later, at least two yeshivas (training schools for rabbi's) began indexing people who are descended from the priests and levites to train to conduct Temple services and rituals. Yeshiva Torat Haim and Yeshiva Aterit Cohanim both train students in Temple practices and have since the mid 1980's in Jerusalem. The Temple Institute has sponsored the creation of musical instruments, and the implements to be used in the Temple. Behind the scenes, these and many other organizations have laid the groundwork for a 3rd Temple to be constructed in very short order and be fully operational.
More recently, in the February 11, 2007 edition of WorldNetDaily, an article appeared titled, Temple’s Location Found, says Israeli Archaeologist. Here are some quotes from that article:
Using maps created in 1866 by a British explorer and passages from the Jewish Mishnah, an Israeli archaeologist and professor at Hebrew University says he has pinpointed the location of the sacred Jewish Temple, twice built and twice destroyed in ancient times.
While popular consensus places the Temple, built by King Solomon in the 10th century B.C. and rebuilt by Jews who returned from Babylon in the 5th century B.C., on the site of the present Muslim Dome of the Rock, Prof. Joseph Patrich says archaeological remains show its exact location – and the consensus is wrong.
According to Patrich, the Temple, its corresponding courtyards, chambers and gates were oriented in a more southeasterly direction, sitting diagonally on what is the modern Temple Mount. The difference in orientation and the placement further eastward varies from the east-facing orientation of other scholars who believe the Temple was closer to today's Western Wall.
If Patrich is correct, the Jews could conceivably rebuild their Temple without having to either move or destroy the Muslim Dome.
What we know for sure is that a Temple will be built because it plays a prominent role in the Great Tribulation. Any news about it reminds us we are living in the last days. The coming of Jesus to Rapture His Church is imminent.
Keep your eyes on Israel… and keep looking up!
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